Trade in your old or dodgy ladders and get a brand new shiny safe ladder in return!!!
The Ladder Exchange is a great example of how everyone in the health and safety system can share responsibility and work together towards a common goal - acts as namely, reducing falls from height.
Falls from height
Despite a steady decline, falls from height remain the most common kind of workplace fatality. In 2010/11, a total of 38 workers died and 4,327 employees suffered a major injury as a result of a fall from height in the workplace, with a further 10,232 employees suffering an ‘over 3 day’ injury. Many of these incidents could have been avoided by people with the right training using the correct equipment that had been properly inspected and maintained.
"I fell just 10 feet from a ladder"
Watch the video on the right and hear from Jason Anker, a victim of a fall from a ladder from just 10 feet and understand the dramatic impact this has had on his life and his family.
Don't risk the same outcome as Jason. Act now to replace your ladder for a safe one and ensure you know how to use a ladder by undertaking the necessary training.
Other News
12.12.2012 Biggest idiot on a ladder crowned by public vote After three months of picture submissions and voting, the Ladder Association's Idiots on Ladders campaign has discovered the biggest "ladder idiot" in the UK.
The clear winner, with over 30% of the vote, showed a worker reaching up to the top of a chimney with a gaping fall directly below him. Not only could the fall have killed him, but one commenter pointed out that his ladder still did not reach high enough to keep him from stretching upwards.

15.10.2012 New online campaign asks: Who is the biggest idiot on a ladder? A man climbing a tree with a chainsaw, propping himself up on a branch; a hedge trimmer reaching higher by sitting a stepladder on top of another ladder; a worker dealing with a storefront on a ladder held up by a colleague. These bizarre sights can be found all around the world, and the Ladder Association is currently attempting to collect the most appalling examples in one place.
Over the last month, the Association has been using its Facebook channel to collect pictures of the most dangerous and ridiculous uses of ladders, in a bid to find the biggest "Idiot on a Ladder".

25.09.2012 Ladder Association stresses the importance of safe equipment following Birmingham prosecution Following the prosecution of a builder's merchant in Birmingham for numerous work at height issues relating in particular to ladder equipment found in a terrible and life threatening condition. The Association says that national schemes such as the currently running Ladder Exchange are vital in promoting safety among ladder users and stockists.

22.08.2012 Ladder fall earns politician the nickname 'Mr Bump'! The Labour MP and Shadow Transport Minister fell from a ladder at his home on Sunday 19th August 2012 while moving things into his attic. He described himself as "lucky" on Twitter after spending the night in hospital, not to mention "bashful". Fellow MPs now affectionately refer to him as Mr Bump!
